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Senior Care News

Welcome to the Provident Care Senior Care News, your trusted source for the latest insights, tips, and resources on aging and elder care. Whether you’re a family caregiver, a senior looking for support, or simply interested in the well-being of your loved ones, we are here to guide you.

What Steps Can You Take if Your Senior Doesn’t Want Help?

Sometimes people need help, but they aren’t excited about it.

It’s not unusual at all for a senior family member to not want to have help, even if that would make her life easier. There are a lot of reasons that can happen, and you and she may have to delve into some of them together to make some progress.

Is She Telling You Why She Doesn’t Want Help?

At the outset, your elderly family member needs to give you some important information. The best way to get that information is for you to listen to her. Ask her why she doesn’t want help and find out if she’s willing to compromise at all. This is valuable information that you can use, because if she’s willing to accept some help in certain situations, that’s better than nothing.

What Does She Need?

Get down to the brass tacks of what she really needs. There’s what you see that she needs, but is that what will truly solve problems for her? Talk to her about what issues she’s facing and about what you see as concerns. She may be able to alleviate those concerns if you’re willing to talk openly about them. Start keeping track of what you and your senior talk about so that you can remember what you need to circle back to at a later date.

Will Help for Her Make Your Life Easier?

There are some other concerns, though. Will help for your senior make some aspects of your life easier? If you are able to bring in senior care providers to help your elderly family member a couple of times a week, does that mean that your schedule is easier to handle? If that’s the case, talk to your senior about that. She may not realize that caregiving does indeed take a toll on you as well. Understanding that there are compromises you’re both making can help her to reevaluate her stance.

Is This a Decision You Have to Make Alone?

In really severe cases, you may not be able to count on your senior to do more than be resistant. If she’s experiencing cognitive changes or her ability to make these decisions is significantly impaired, you may have to make this decision without her. Odds are very good that in these types of extreme cases, you’re not questioning that help is necessary and you may simply have to go ahead with your plans.

It’s not easy for many people to accept help. Try to remember that and do what you can to ensure that your senior has choices and that she is able to maintain as much of her independence as possible.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering senior care in Manteca, CA, please contact the caring staff at Provident Care Home Care today at (209) 578-1210.

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