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Senior Care News

Welcome to the Provident Care Senior Care News, your trusted source for the latest insights, tips, and resources on aging and elder care. Whether you’re a family caregiver, a senior looking for support, or simply interested in the well-being of your loved ones, we are here to guide you.

What Can You Do to Help Reduce the Chance Your Senior Will Break a Bone?

Home Care Assistance in Stockton CA

Falls are a huge problem for seniors because they can very easily lead to serious health issues, including fractures. If your elderly family member has health issues, like osteoporosis, that make a fracture even more likely, then it’s vital that you and she take action to keep her safe.

Reduce Fall Risks as Much as Possible

There are a lot of different types of fall risks, and many of them are preventable to an extent. Reducing those preventable fall risks is imperative, no matter how healthy your senior is right now. Clutter, dangerous flooring, and stairways that are inaccessible are all big problems that need to be corrected. Go through your senior’s entire home to look at what could present a safety concern.

Talk with Your Senior’s Doctor

It’s also important to talk with your senior’s doctor about the health aspects that cause a fall risk for her. Those issues may not be ones that you or your senior can change at all, but they are definitely risk factors that you and your senior need to be as aware of as possible. From there you can put a more solid plan together for helping your elderly family member to avoid a dangerous fall.

Put Some Home Modifications in Place

Modifying your senior’s home is another possibility that can help tremendously. Adding grab bars to any areas where your senior might lose her balance, replacing a standard tub with a walk-in version, and softening the flooring in her home are all big modifications that you might want to consider. Talking with your senior about what would help her to feel safer is also a good idea.

Hire Home Care Assistance

Senior care providers can also offer your elderly family member significant hands-on help in avoiding a fall and further injury. In-home care providers can be there to help with mobility, but they can also help you to be aware of any changes that affect your senior’s fall risk. If they notice changes in her home or in her health, they can let you know so that you can take action from there and hopefully prevent a bad situation from occurring.

Being as proactive as possible about your senior’s health is so important for her overall well-being. It helps her to feel safer and it helps you to feel as though you truly are doing everything possible to ensure that she’s as safe as she can be.

If you or an aging loved one is considering in-home care in Stockton, CA, please contact the caring staff at Provident Care Home Care today at (209) 578-1210.

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