Understanding Different Types of Adaptive Clothing
Adaptive clothing is made to meet the specific needs and challenges of seniors, especially those with reduced mobility, dexterity, or mental abilities. These clothes are carefully designed to help older people stay independent, feel comfortable, and get dressed quickly and easily. Seniors with companion care at home often have assistance when needed, but adding adaptive […]
Can Someone with Alzheimer’s Disease Be Independent?
Are you noticing your elderly loved one still wants to do things on their own, even though they have Alzheimer’s disease? This is quite common, at least in the early stage of this disease. If you and companion care at home providers are recognizing your elderly loved one’s desire to be independent, it may be […]
Who Provides the Bulk of Your Parents’ Care?
Companion Care at Home in Brentwood CA: When they need help, who provides the bulk of their care needs?