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Senior Care News

Welcome to the Provident Care Senior Care News, your trusted source for the latest insights, tips, and resources on aging and elder care. Whether you’re a family caregiver, a senior looking for support, or simply interested in the well-being of your loved ones, we are here to guide you.

When Is It Time for Senior Home Care?

Senior Home Care in Stockton CA

Your dad is getting older and he’s starting to slow down. You don’t want to bring in caregivers before it’s necessary, but you also don’t want him struggling. How do you know when it’s time for senior home care?

Your Dad Fell

After a fall, you need to address what led to the fall. Some falls are accidents, but others are a sign that it’s time for senior home care. After one fall, the risk of additional falls is higher. If he fell due to vision impairment, high or low blood sugar, side effects of medications, or severe joint pain, it’s time to consider having caregivers available to help him with his daily routines.

Your Dad’s Dealing With Diminished Vision

Your dad’s vision is worsening, and that means he needs to stop driving. If he cannot drive and you’re not free to take him to every appointment or help him run errands, senior home care can drive him around.

Within his home, he may need help seeing the areas that need cleaning. He might not be able to move around his home without guidance. He’ll need help staying mobile and living in a clean, organized home.

He’s Suffered a Health Emergency

After a health emergency, your dad needs help around his home. He may need help throughout the day and night or just for a few hours. A caregiver can help him keep his home clean, cook his meals, and remind him to take his pills on time.

Suppose your dad had a stroke. He’s going to need a caregiver to cook his meals, clean his home, and help him with oral care, showering, and toileting. He’ll need help moving from one room to the next and getting in and out of bed.

He’s Not Supposed to Drive

Vision isn’t the only reason he would need to stop driving. People with dementia often have to hand over their keys to avoid them getting lost when they’re driving. Slower reaction times are another reason for your dad to stop driving.

Your dad may have arthritis in the spine, neck, or hips that prevent him from turning fully. If he cannot turn enough to fully check his blind spots, he needs to have senior home care available for transportation.

He’s Asking for More Help Than He Used To

Has your dad been asking for a lot of help lately? Is he struggling to do tasks that used to be easy for him? If you’re spending more time helping him around his home, it’s time to talk about home care services.

Senior home care isn’t something you want to procrastinate about. If an emergency happens, you’ll have to make plans when you’re stressed and emotional. Have a plan in mind and make arrangements once you’ve noticed your dad’s daily routine is slowing down.

If you or an aging loved one is considering senior home care in Stockton, CA, please contact the caring staff at Provident Care Home Care today at (209) 578-1210.

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