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Senior Care News

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Can Sign Language Help Seniors With Dementia?

Senior Home Care in Concord CA

Over time, dementia worsens and affects memory, speech, and cognitive functioning. This is why many seniors with dementia might benefit from learning sign language, as it can help them communicate better and have a better quality of life. This is significant beyond better communication since it will help seniors stay engaged with their senior home care team and reduce their tendency to withdraw from social situations. Keep reading to learn how sign language can help seniors.

What Is Sign Language?

Sign language is a form of communication that uses gestures, often used when people have hearing issues. Gestures and other visual cues can help seniors understand what their senior home care aides and loved ones say and make it easier to understand directions, requests, and information.

How Can Sign Language Benefit Seniors?

Seniors with dementia may have trouble discussing their thoughts, wants, and feelings because their verbal communication skills aren’t what they used to be. Sign language gives them a way to talk to each other that doesn’t just involve spoken words. This makes them less frustrated trying to get their thoughts and opinions across and makes it easier for them to feel a part of the communication. Additional ways that sign language benefits seniors are detailed below.

  • Memory: One of the main signs of dementia is memory loss. But muscle memory can stay the same even as brain skills get worse. When seniors learn simple signs, they can use their muscle memory to help them remember and use signs to interact, even when it gets hard for them to talk.
  • Emotional Expression: Not being able to express feelings well can make seniors with dementia feel frustrated, confused, and alone. Sign language is a non-verbal way to show emotions like happiness, anger, sadness, or pain. It lets them tell their caregivers and loved ones how they feel and what they need.
  • Strengthening Relationships: Senior home care aids may have trouble understanding what seniors with advanced dementia need and want. Knowing sign language gives them something in common, strengthening their connections and lessening the feeling of isolation that often comes with the condition.
  • Brain Stimulation: People with dementia can get brain stimulation from learning and using sign language. Trying new things and learning new skills can help slow mental decline, strengthen neural links, and keep your mind sharp for longer.
  • Habits and Structure: Teaching and practicing sign language can help seniors with dementia establish routines and structure. Sign language lessons regularly can give you a sense of purpose and success and make your daily schedule more predictable.

It’s important to remember that not everyone with dementia can learn sign language because everyone’s skills and preferences are different. Offering sign language as a way to communicate might be just what seniors need. In conclusion, sign language is a vital tool that can help seniors with dementia keep in touch with their senior home care team and loved ones, communicate better, and improve their quality of life.


If you or an aging loved one is considering senior home care in Concord, CA, please contact the caring staff at Provident Care Home Care today at (209) 578-1210.

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