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Senior Care News

Welcome to the Provident Care Senior Care News, your trusted source for the latest insights, tips, and resources on aging and elder care. Whether you’re a family caregiver, a senior looking for support, or simply interested in the well-being of your loved ones, we are here to guide you.

Is Your Parent an Unsafe Driver?

Companion Care at Home in Danville CA: How safe is your parent when it comes to driving?

How safe is your parent when it comes to driving? Can your mom or dad thoroughly check all blind spots? Are they reacting in time? Cars contain braking assist and blind-spot detection technology, but your parents still need to be alert to traffic and pedestrians.

If your parents have made a mistake and hit the gas instead of the brake, it’s time to take away the keys. You may have brought them to the eye doctor and learned their vision is worsening to the point that driving is unsafe. They may be taking prescription medications that cause drowsiness. All of these are reasons that could make your parent an unsafe driver.

What Happens Next?

When it’s determined that your parents shouldn’t be driving, you need to talk to them about the realities. They can’t drive. It’s time to hand over the keys and possibly even sell the car. They’ll get money for the sale of their vehicle, which may be appealing to them.

The fear they’ll have will probably focus on their independence. If they can’t leave home, they’re going to feel trapped. Make sure they know there are alternatives like transportation services that ensure they can still go out as much as they want.

Are You Selling Their Car?

Right now, the used car market favors the seller. Kelley Blue Book values on used cars are high, and the low supply of used cars has buyers willing to pay top dollar. Selling their car now will get your parents a lot more money than they might be expecting to make. How can you maximize the amount they get?

Clean the car out. Wash the interior windows, vacuum and steam clean the upholstery, and clean all of the surfaces. Wash and wax the car’s exterior. Finally, take it to a mechanic for an inspection and make sure that there are no safety issues that need addressing. If there are any open recalls, get those taken care of.

Arrange Transportation Services and Companion Care

Giving up their keys isn’t easy, but it’s important for your parents’ safety and the safety of others on the road. Talk to your parents about their options once they do agree to stop driving. They don’t have to stop going out.

Companion care at home is one of the best ways to ensure your parents’ needs to get out of the house are met. They may not drive anymore, but that doesn’t restrict them from going out. Caregivers can drive them to stores, medical offices, friends’ homes, and senior centers. They’re just as active, but they’re safe.

To arrange transportation services, call a companion care at home expert. Ask questions, get prices, and book the services that benefit your parents the most.

If you or an aging loved one is considering companion care at home in Danville, CA, please contact the caring staff at Provident Care Home Care today at (209) 578-1210.

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