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Senior Care News

Welcome to the Provident Care Senior Care News, your trusted source for the latest insights, tips, and resources on aging and elder care. Whether you’re a family caregiver, a senior looking for support, or simply interested in the well-being of your loved ones, we are here to guide you.

What Services Are Included in In-Home Care?

In-Home Care in Manteca CA

Your mom wants to live alone, but you worry about her. You’d rather have her move to your house where you can keep a close eye on her. She’s adamant that she remains in her home for the rest of her life. In-home care is a great way to ease your fears and ensure your mom maintains her independence.

Medication Reminders

In-home care aides can remind your mom when it’s time for her to take her medications. If she needs to take a pill with a full glass of water, she’ll have that reminder. If she’s supposed to take them with a meal, she’ll be reminded and a meal is ready for her.

Meal Preparation

That’s another important service. Your mom is going to have home-cooked meals regularly. Her caregiver will talk to her about what she wants to eat, help her shop for the groceries she needs, and prepare meals and snacks when it’s time.

Personal Care

When it’s too hard to shower, dress, or brush and style hair by herself, your mom can have in-home care aides to help her. Her caregiver can help her brush and floss her teeth, tie her shoes, apply skin cream, and trim and file her nails. If she wants to put on nail polish, her caregiver is there to help her.

With health issues like MS or Alzheimer’s, your mom might struggle to clean up after using the toilet or even get to the toilet in time. A caregiver can help her with toileting, too.

Housekeeping and Laundry

Caregivers can help with the housekeeping and laundry. Your mom’s caregiver can change her sheets, make her bed, and wash everything. Your mom has clean, dry clothes, sheets, and towels and doesn’t have to walk up and down the basement or garage stairs to do it.

With your mom’s caregiver helping out, her dishes are washed, floors are swept or vacuumed, and counters and sinks are wiped and sanitized. Her cooktop is wiped down after meals, furnishings are dusted, and clutter is put away.


If your mom doesn’t drive, her caregiver can drive her. She’ll have someone to drive her to appointments, stores, and area businesses. Your mom can have her caregiver help her pay at registers, pick up prescription refills, or complete banking transactions if needed.


Companionship is a big part of in-home care. Your mom doesn’t have to be alone all week. Her caregiver is there for company when she goes on walks, eats a meal, or spends time at home. She also has someone to help her run errands and get to medical appointments on time.

When in-home care would help your mom maintain her independence, make sure you arrange the services. Talk to an in-home care specialist to learn more about prices and get answers to your questions.

If you or an aging loved one is considering in-home care in Manteca, CA, please contact the caring staff at Provident Care Home Care today at (209) 578-1210.

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