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Senior Care News

Welcome to the Provident Care Senior Care News, your trusted source for the latest insights, tips, and resources on aging and elder care. Whether you’re a family caregiver, a senior looking for support, or simply interested in the well-being of your loved ones, we are here to guide you.

What Are the Benefits of In-Home Care After an Accident?

In-Home Care in Lodi CA

Every day, about 560 older adults are in car accidents that result in hospital visits. If your dad is in an accident, he has to listen to his doctors. It’s critical that he has in-home care for support until he’s fully recovered.

What Do In-Home Care Aides Do?

In-home care aides can do a lot to help your dad out. Start with housekeeping. While your dad recovers from injuries, he may not be allowed to walk around a lot, lift items, or walk up and down the stairs as much. His caregivers can do the laundry, vacuum, wash dishes, make his bed, change the sheets and towels, and tidy up.

His caregivers can help him schedule follow-up appointments and make sure they’re there on the right day to give him a ride. They’ll accompany him to the registration desk and wait in the lobby or waiting room until he’s ready to go home.

If he has errands to run and needs help, his caregivers are available to help him. If he needs help carrying groceries to the car and into the house, he has it. In-home care can pick up prescriptions and prescription refills, grocery orders, or packages at the post office.

His caregiver can track his doses of Advil or Tylenol to make sure he’s not taking them too often. When it’s time for the next pill, he’ll have a caregiver to remind him.

At home, his caregivers are available to help him plan his weekly menu and cook the meals when it’s time. He has company while he eats. Plus, when the meal is over, his caregiver will wash the dishes, wipe down counters and stove tops, and put items away.

His in-home care aide is also there for companionship. He may be stressed and experiencing pain. Being alone often exacerbates that. He has a caregiver available to talk to and keep him busy so that he’s not dwelling on the experience.

What If the Care Plan Adjusts?

It’s not a problem. Care plans with in-home care aides can be adjusted as your dad heals. As he’s ready to start taking on more of his old routine, the number of hours of caregiver visits decreases.

Suppose he’s able to start driving himself to appointments again, that service is dropped from his list. Eventually, he can stop services completely or decide to have caregivers visit once a week to do the laundry. The ultimate goal is to ensure he’s able to maintain his independence.

Arrange in-home care services as soon as you’ve talked to your dad’s doctor. They’ll be able to inform you about the things he can and cannot do on his own. Use that list to arrange the in-home care services he needs while he heals.


If you or an aging loved one is considering in-home care in Lodi, CA, please contact the caring staff at Provident Care Home Care today at (209) 578-1210.

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