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Senior Care News

Welcome to the Provident Care Senior Care News, your trusted source for the latest insights, tips, and resources on aging and elder care. Whether you’re a family caregiver, a senior looking for support, or simply interested in the well-being of your loved ones, we are here to guide you.

How Does In-Home Care Ease Worry and Anxiety?

In-Home Care in Concord CA

Carnegie Mellon University ran a study on the things adults worry about when it comes to their elderly parents. Just over half reported they worried the most about their parents falling. Seven out of ten adult children admitted that anxiety and worry impacts them at least once a week.

You get that. Your mom lives alone and you’re in another state. You spend a lot of time worrying about her, and the anxiety every time the phone rings is wearing you out. Have you considered hiring in-home care aides to help your mom out each day so that you don’t have to worry?

How Does In-Home Care Help?

What can caregivers do to help ease your fear? Your mom has someone stopping by every day or every few days to make sure she’s okay, has enough food, and has working heat, cooling, water, and electricity. If she needs anything, her caregiver can take her shopping or help her call a technician.

Your mom forgets to take her medication, and it’s not ideal as the medications help keep her blood pressure low. Hire caregivers to remind her when it’s time to take a pill. If she’s affected by side effects like dizziness, she’s not alone while the side effects are kicking in.

Your mom needs to change her diet, but she doesn’t cook. Takeout and canned or frozen items are easier. Have a caregiver cook for her. She can have a diet rich in fiber, antioxidants, and protein without having to cook on her own. You no longer have to worry about her skipping meals or ordering another pizza.

Has your mom ever tripped on a vacuum cord while trying to clean her carpets? This is another stressor for you. She got the cord caught up around her feet and fell and hit her head. Instead of worrying about her while she’s trying to clean her home, you’ll have peace of mind that her home is clean and organized with her caregiver’s help.

Do You Get Updates?

When you hire in-home care, it’s important to know that you will get regular updates. You’re also able to talk to the agency and ask questions if you have them. If your mom had an appointment with her doctor and you’d like an update, let them know.

You’re also able to talk to specialists about changes that your mom needs to make to her schedule. If her doctor is changing her medications, it may be time to change her prescriptions. Until she’s used to the side effects, it’s beneficial to have her caregiver with her more.

Make the Arrangements Today

When you live hours from your dad and worry about him being alone, in-home care is a great solution. An in-home care aide stops by as often as your family requests and makes sure your dad has everything he needs.

With professional caregivers stopping by, your dad has the help he needs, and you worry less. Call an in-home care advisor to make the arrangements.


If you or an aging loved one is considering in-home care in Concord, CA, please contact the caring staff at Provident Care Home Care today at (209) 578-1210.

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