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Senior Care News

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Improving Bath Time for Those with Dementia

Personal Care at Home in Walnut Creek CA

Does your elderly loved one have dementia? If so, one of the most difficult things for them could be taking a bath. Many patients who have this disease freak out when it is time to take a bath. Others get scared because they can’t care for themselves properly, but they don’t want anyone to touch them. For these reasons and many others, it may be a good idea to get personal care at home services for your elderly loved one. The elder care providers can improve bath time for those with dementia.


One of the ways that elderly care providers can improve bath time for people who have dementia is to prepare things ahead of time. A lot of the issues with bathtime for people with this disease is not being ready to take a bath. So, when the home care providers finally get your elderly loved one into the shower or bath, things will go much smoother if they have all the shampoo, conditioner, soap, washcloths, and other bathtime products ready ahead of time.

Giving Choices

Another way to help bathtime go smoother for people with dementia is to give them choices. For example, is your elderly loved one getting angry because they want to take a shower and not a bath? Do they want the lavender-scented soap instead of the rose-scented? If your elderly loved one is getting angry about bathtime, it could be because they want things done in a certain way. By letting them have choices, personal care at home can help to get your elderly loved one through the bath or shower much easier and with less anxiety.

Finding the Right Time of the Day

When is the best time for your elderly loved one to take a shower or a bath? Are there certain times of the day when your elderly loved one gets too agitated to get cleaned up? These are questions that the senior care providers can figure out. While they are spending time with your elderly loved one, they can learn when their behaviors are lessening and when they are getting worse. Based on the findings, personal care at home services can help to determine when the right time of the day is for your elderly loved one to take their bath or shower.


The above noted issues are all things that personal care services can help out with when it comes to your elderly loved one. If you have been experiencing issues with bath or shower time for your elderly loved one due to their dementia, don’t worry. You can get home care providers who are trained in this disease that know how to handle bathing and showering with the elderly. They can also make sure the water temperature is where your elderly loved one likes it and encourage them to be as independent as possible during showering time, too. If you ever have questions regarding your elderly loved one’s bath or showering habits, you can talk to the senior care providers and they will answer your questions to the best of their ability.


If you or an aging loved one is considering personal care at home in Walnut Creek, CA, please contact the caring staff at Provident Care Home Care today at (209) 578-1210.

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