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Senior Care News

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How Can Your Elderly Loved One Connect with Their Grandchildren?

Does your elderly loved one have grandchildren? Are they having a tough time connecting with them?

Does your elderly loved one have grandchildren? Are they having a tough time connecting with them? Many senior citizens find it difficult to do things with their grandchildren. Your elderly loved one may feel there is nothing they have in common with their grandchildren. If your elderly loved one needs help connecting with their grandchildren, here are some things they can do.

Playing Video Games

Many grandchildren who are 5 and older love playing video games. Your elderly loved one’s grandchildren may like to play in the Wii, PS4, PS5, Xbox, or another gaming device. Some of these games can even be played together from different households. You may want to think about getting your elderly loved one a used video game system, so they can start playing video games with their grandchildren. If needed, you or a home care provider can help your loved one set up their video game system or get started with the games.

Teaching Grandchildren

Your elderly loved one could also teach their grandchildren things. For instance, if your elderly loved one is talented at playing the piano, they could teach their grandchildren how to play the piano. If your elderly loved one is skilled at cooking, some of their grandchildren may want to learn how to cook.

Learn About Them

Your elderly loved one can connect with their grandchildren by learning more about them. For instance, your elderly loved one can call one of their grandchildren and ask about their hobbies or interests. Just by listening to their grandchildren talk about what they like is a form of connection. Who knows? Your elderly loved one just might learn there are more ways they relate to their grandchildren than they realize.

Creating a Picture Album

Many people don’t use physical picture albums anymore. However, your elderly loved one could create a digital photo album with their grandchildren. This would be a great way to share memories and talk about things with their grandchildren.


These are some of the ways that your elderly loved one can connect with their grandchildren. If you or the home care providers need to remind your elderly loved one of these ideas, feel free to do that. Your elderly loved one may want to try one of these things and not a different one. That is alright, as well. Anything they can do to make these connections would be great.


If you or an aging loved-one is considering home care in Concord, CA, please contact the caring staff at Provident Care Home Care today at (209) 578-1210.

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