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Senior Care News

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HCAOA California Advocacy Day – 3/12/24

Tuesday, more than 40 Home Care Association Of America members and staff spent the day at the state Capitol in Sacramento asking lawmakers and members of the Newsom Administration to support a bill to protect seniors and families hiring in-home support. The main issue of discussion for the day was AB 2185, which would prohibit Domestic Referral Agencies (DRAs) from compensating home care workers and independent contractors, which has become more and more of an issue in California, especially in recent years as the demand for services grows.
HCAOA California Chapter Lobbyist Tony Gonzalez organized a morning session to kick off the day featuring speakers, including Kelsy Castillo and Tim Rainey, Policy Consultants for Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas, and Mareva Brown and Cesar Diaz, Policy Consultants for Senate President Pro Tem Mike McGuire, who engaged with members and listened to examples of real-world impacts the DRA issue is having on some agencies.

Sonya Wilson, Acting Branch Chief of the Home Care Services Bureau, California Department of Social Services, and Jabari Lewis, Administration, Licensing, and Registry Oversight Manager – who was on his first day on the job! – provided updates for members about the reporting and investigation process for agencies operating without a license. Wilson encouraged the group to continue reporting instances of improper behavior they see in their communities to

Our Provident Care COO Michael Jantz was able to meet directly with his State Assembly Member Juan Alanis of the 22nd Assembly District

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