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Senior Care News

Welcome to the Provident Care Senior Care News, your trusted source for the latest insights, tips, and resources on aging and elder care. Whether you’re a family caregiver, a senior looking for support, or simply interested in the well-being of your loved ones, we are here to guide you.

Four Short-term Goals for Your Senior to Improve Her Health

Getting healthier and staying as healthy as possible means forming some habits that support those goals.

Staying as healthy as she can is easier for your elderly family member if she’s got some goals that help her to hit her target. These are just a few of the short-term goals your senior might want to consider setting. Her doctor may suggest other goals that are more closely related to any health issues or challenges your elderly family member might be facing.

Include Primarily Fruits and Vegetables in Her Diet

Most people don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables, especially older adults. A diet that is more reliant on vegetables and fruits is higher in the vitamins and other nutrients your senior needs in order to stay as healthy as possible. She does still need lean proteins and whole grains, but those should make up a smaller part of her daily diet.

Watch for Foods High in Sugar, Salt, and Saturated Fats

If your aging family member is sticking with primarily whole foods in her diet, it’s a lot easier for her to avoid added sodium, sugar, and even saturated fats. These ingredients can interfere greatly with your senior’s goals to be as healthy as possible, including making it harder for her to maintain an ideal weight, manage her blood sugar, and manage her blood pressure.

Aim for Half an Hour of Physical Activity Each Day

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend being physically active for half an hour a day. This recommendation has recently been amended to recommend that any level of activity above “none” is beneficial. Half an hour each day is a good target for your senior to set her sights on, though, and it allows her to recognize that any movement she gets in is good for her.

Mix up the Activities that Your Senior Does Regularly

Choosing a mix of activities ensures that your elderly family member is rounding out her physical activity in the right way. She needs to do activities that increase her heart rate, like cardio, and that help her to build her strength. Balance and flexibility activities are also essential. Talk to your senior’s doctor about what kinds of exercise are the best fit for her.
Meeting even short-term health goals can be easier for your senior if she has some help. Bringing in a caregiver can give your elderly family member the boost that she needs to stick with her goals for a much longer timeframe.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering caregivers in Lodi, CA, please contact the caring staff at Provident Care Home Care today at (209) 578-1210.

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