Not every adult child caring for an aging parent is middle-aged. With the rate of early-onset Alzheimer’s or adults having children at an older age, it’s not uncommon to be in your 30’s and find yourself becoming a family caregiver and looking into companion care at home. When you’re younger and your dad needs your help all day, how do you find ways to bond with him?
You’d be surprised by the benefits of video games with your dad. He has Alzheimer’s and cannot be left alone, but you don’t know what to do to keep him entertained. It’s time to look at some of the video games that allow you to have a great time together while also benefiting his cognitive and fine motor skills.
Action and Arcade Games
Games like Tetris and Pac-Man are simple to play, but they involve some hand-eye coordination as you move the character or pieces around the board. You can also play action games where you run around, complete missions or quests, and complete challenges within the time limit.
Depending on the game console you own, you could also play games that involve some exercise. With the right controller, you can play video games like golf and bowling. There are dance games and others like RingFit where you complete challenges while getting a workout by doing actions like leg presses, arm presses, leg lifts, and sit-ups.
Board and Trivia Games
Some of the most popular board games are available as video games. You can play Scrabble, Monopoly, and Yahtzee on a video game console. Jeopardy and Trivia Pursuit are also available. Play those together and see what trivia questions your dad is able to answer correctly.
Simulator Games
Your dad has always been fascinated by metal detecting. There’s a video game where he will travel the world and find items that are buried in the ground. There are also home building, remodeling, and even lawn mowing simulators.
Story-Driven Games
Look at story-driven games that you and your dad can play together or while taking turns. The storyline will draw him in, even if he doesn’t remember all of it from one session to the next, but you will. It ends up being like playing through a movie, and you learn more as you go.
Story-driven games don’t have to be action-packed. Some you can play while solving puzzles or figuring out the clues to a mystery. As a suggestion, try any of the Sherlock games where you play as Sherlock Holmes and Watson and try to solve a mystery. They’ll be familiar to your dad, and they’re fun to play.
Make sure you’re taking breaks as often as needed. If you don’t stop for self-care, you’ll burn out. Companion care at home is an excellent way to make sure your dad is supported emotionally and physically while you’re away. Caregivers can care for him while you step away for an afternoon. Call us today to find out more about how companion care at home can benefit your senior.
If you or an aging loved one is considering companion care at home in Modesto, CA, please contact the caring staff at Provident Care Home Care today at (209) 578-1210.
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