How Isolation Hurts Seniors

Companion Care at Home in Stockton CA

Companion Care at Home in Stockton CA

More seniors than ever want to continue living in their own homes as they get older. But, if your mom or dad is living alone that does increase the risk that will be lonely. And loneliness can cause significant physical and emotional health problems for seniors.

If your mom or dad wants to live independently, but you’re worried about them being isolated at home, find out more about companion care at home. Companion care at home can help seniors who are living alone avoid becoming isolated.

Regular visits from a companion can give your mom or dad the socialization they need to stay healthy. Seniors who have companion care at home are more likely to try new activities, engage in hobbies, and avoid health conditions like:


When your senior loved one is alone for long periods, they may start to feel sad, hopeless, or anxious. Without regular social interaction, it can be hard for them to find joy in life.

Seniors who don’t have people to talk to may also feel like no one cares about them, which can deepen their depression. Over time, these feelings can get worse and affect their overall quality of life.

Even if you call your senior parent regularly that may not be enough interaction to prevent depression. When your mom or dad has companion care they get hours of dedicated social interaction every week.

Cognitive Decline

Isolation can also speed up cognitive decline in seniors, even for seniors that don’t have Alzheimer’s or dementia. When seniors don’t interact with others, they aren’t using their brain as much.

Simple conversations or games that stimulate the mind are important to keep the brain active. Without this stimulation, your loved one’s ability to think clearly or remember things may start to fade more quickly.

Companion care gives your mom or dad regular opportunities to have conversations and interaction with others in their own home, which is perfect if your mom or dad can’t easily get out of the house.

Weakened Immune System

Believe it or not, isolation can even affect the body’s immune system. Studies show that seniors who feel lonely or isolated are more likely to get sick.

This happens because isolation can increase stress, which weakens the immune system. As a result, your parent might catch colds or other infections more often. A weaker immune system also means it’s harder for the body to fight off serious illnesses.

Companion care at home for seniors during the fall and winter can help your mom or dad avoid getting illnesses like the flu or colds.

Heart Disease

Heart disease is another serious health issue linked to isolation. Feeling lonely or isolated raises stress levels, which can lead to higher blood pressure. Over time, high blood pressure can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, or heart attack.

Seniors who are isolated may also be less likely to take care of their health, like eating well or exercising, which makes these problems worse. Companion care at home can help your mom or dad lower their blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Poor Sleep

Seniors who are isolated often have trouble sleeping. Your loved one may lie awake at night, feeling anxious or lonely. Poor sleep can lead to other health problems, like fatigue, confusion, or memory loss.

It can also weaken their immune system and make it harder for them to heal from injuries or illnesses. A lack of sleep can create a cycle where your loved one feels worse and becomes even more isolated.

If you or an aging loved one is considering companion care at home in Stockton, CA, please contact the caring staff at Provident Care Home Care today at (209) 578-1210.