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Senior Care News

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Beach Trip Safety For Seniors

Companion Care at Home in Danville CA

When the weather gets warm, spending the day at the beach can be a fun way for seniors to cool off and enjoy some beautiful scenery. But seniors shouldn’t go to the beach alone. Companion care at home is a great way for seniors to have someone to do fun activities with, like going to the beach. When seniors have companion care at home they are more likely to engage with the world and go out and do things because they will have someone to go with them, keep the company, and talk to. Going to the beach will get your senior parent moving and allow them to enjoy the summer weather. But there are some things that seniors should do to make sure they are safe when they are enjoying the beach:

Use Sun Protection

Sun protection is something that seniors must have if they’re going to beach. On a hot summer day the intensity of the sun is enough to cause seniors to get sunburn or even heatstroke. Seniors should wear sunscreen with an SPF of at least 50. And they should reapply that sunscreen often during the day to make sure they are protected. Seniors should also wear sun hats, sunglasses, and have a cover up or light long sleeve top with them for sun protection. Seniors that want to swim should consider wearing a rash guard over their bathing suit to help protect them from the sun. Swim leggings are also a good option because they provide more coverage than a traditional bathing suit.

Wear A Life Jacket

If your senior parent is going in the water they should wear a life jacket. Even if they are a strong swimmer, they should be wearing a life jacket. Seniors can get into trouble fast when they’re swimming if they get a cramp or just get tired. A life jacket is the best way to make sure that your senior parent won’t be in danger while they are swimming. Even if there is a lifeguard on duty it’s still recommended that seniors wear life jackets when they go swimming in open water like a lake or the ocean. Better safe than sorry.

Plan For Emergencies

Many public beaches have a medic station where people can get things like band aids or over the counter pain reliever or aloe gel if they get hurt, get sick, or just overdo it at the beach. But not all beaches have that. And even the beaches that do may not have the supplies that seniors need. So it’s a good idea for seniors to bring their own first aid kit when they go to the beach. Included in that kit should be any medications that seniors might need while they are at the beach.

Bring Lots Of Water

It’s very easy for seniors to get dehydrated at the beach. Seniors should bring lots of water and some snacks to the beach with them. Protein shakes are a great thing to bring because they are easy to transport, don’t need to be kept cold, and have anywhere from 20-30 grams of protein in just one shake. It’s also a good idea to bring some sports drink or water with added electrolytes to help seniors avoid dehydration and heatstroke.

If you or an aging loved one is considering companion care at home in Danville, CA, please contact the caring staff at Provident Care Home Care today at (209) 578-1210.

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