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Modesto 209.578.1210 |

Stockton 209.399.3558

What Are the Effects of Loneliness on Seniors?

Home Care in Brentwood CA

Loneliness is a problem that seniors often don’t expect when they make the decision to age in place. Family members may live farther away, seniors may suddenly live alone, or other factors may change their socialization opportunities. Loneliness has some big impacts on many areas of life for seniors. Understanding how that’s true allows families […]

What Can Families Do to Help Seniors Avoid Boredom and Depression?

Companion Care at Home in Turlock CA

Boredom and depression are two issues that seniors face every single day. If they don’t figure out how to get a handle on these issues, seniors can struggle mightily and find their mental and physical health worsening. Companion care at home can be a powerful way for families to help their aging adults deal with […]