Serving the Modesto, Stockton, and Merced CA area since 2000 |

Routines and Rituals with Alzheimer’s Care

Alzheimer's Care in Brentwood CA

Alzheimer’s disease affects seniors in some predictable ways, like affecting cognition, but it also can make them feel uncomfortable and uncertain about the world around them. Alzheimer’s care services can help seniors and family caregivers to cope by helping establish rituals and routines that foster a sense of well-being and stability. Here’s how that can […]

Can Sign Language Help Seniors With Dementia?

Senior Home Care in Concord CA

Over time, dementia worsens and affects memory, speech, and cognitive functioning. This is why many seniors with dementia might benefit from learning sign language, as it can help them communicate better and have a better quality of life. This is significant beyond better communication since it will help seniors stay engaged with their senior home […]

Why Does Sundowning Happen?

Home Care in Concord CA

Every day at the same time, your dad becomes overly confused and agitated. He gets aggressive and will not sit still. These are all key signs of sundowning, but why does it happen? The reality is that there is no clear answer to why sundowning happens. Some people with dementia never experience it, and others […]

Can Someone with Alzheimer’s Disease Be Independent?

Companion Care at Home in Brentwood CA

Are you noticing your elderly loved one still wants to do things on their own, even though they have Alzheimer’s disease? This is quite common, at least in the early stage of this disease. If you and companion care at home providers are recognizing your elderly loved one’s desire to be independent, it may be […]

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