Six Benefits of Exercise for those with Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer's Care in Walnut Creek CA

Alzheimer’s Care in Walnut Creek CA

In almost all stages of Alzheimer’s disease, physical activity can improve the quality of life for your loved one. You may need to make changes to how he exercises as the disease progresses, but implementing a regular activity schedule as early into the disease as possible is important. Here are a few important things to know about the benefits of exercise for seniors with Alzheimer’s and how Alzheimer’s care can help.

Why Exercise is Important for Alzheimer’s Patients

The benefits from regular activity apply to just about everyone, regardless of what condition they are battling. For those who have Alzheimer’s the benefits can improve their overall health, as well as lessen some of the symptoms of the disease.

Six Benefits of Regular Exercise for Your Loved One

  1. Improved hand-eye coordination. Some Alzheimer’s patients lose the ability to hold a fork, pour a cup of water, or tie their shoelaces. By using the hands early on during physical activity, your loved one may maintain those abilities longer.
  2. Strengthened muscles. Your loved one doesn’t need to build up any bulky muscles, he just needs to keep the muscles he has in good shape. Regular exercise can keep those muscles strong, making it easier for him to be independent and actively engaged in the world around him.
  3. Better sleep. Sleep patterns can change as Alzheimer’s progresses, sometimes making the person struggle with falling asleep. Regular activity helps the body know when it’s time to sleep and stay asleep longer.
  4. Maintained balance and coordination. The gait for some Alzheimer’s patients can increase the risk of falling but with regular exercise, your loved one can keep his center of balance better and reduce the risk of falls.
  5. Stronger bones. Regular physical activity will keep bones strong and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
  6. Improved supply of blood and nutrients to the brain. Keeping the brain well supplied with what it needs can improve your loved one’s ability to problem solve and help with memory.

Best Exercises for Alzheimer’s Patients

No matter what you and your loved one decide on for exercise, make sure it’s something he enjoys. If he doesn’t love it early on during the disease, he’s most likely not going to love it later and might refuse to keep up with it.

  • Dancing. Dancing is fun and keeps the body moving. It doesn’t have to be formal, simply put on some tunes and dance the afternoon away.
  • Walking. One of the easiest but also beneficial forms of exercise, walking can be customized as your loved one’s disease progresses.
  • Housework. Cleaning the house can be a great activity. It can also help your loved one feel more independent.
  • Gardening. If your loved one has always had a green thumb, continue to have him help in the garden.
  • Swimming. With supervision, swimming or just splashing around a pool can be a great activity.

Alzheimer’s Care Providers Can Make Regular Exercise Happen

If your schedule is already full, you can look into having an Alzheimer’s care provider come to the home to encourage and participate in activities with your loved one. An Alzheimer’s care provider will be able to work with your loved one and you to determine the best activity for him and then adjust it as needed. They can also provide a regular schedule, making sure your loved one doesn’t miss any of his exercise routine.

If you or an aging loved one is considering Alzheimer’s care in Walnut Creek, CA, please contact the caring staff at Provident Care Home Care today at (209) 578-1210.