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Senior Care News

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8 Must-Have Personal Care at Home Services After a Stroke

Personal Care at Home in Concord CA

In the U.S., one out of every five women 55 or older will have at least one stroke. It’s an alarming statistic, and it’s one your family is just experiencing after your mom’s stroke. She’ll soon be heading home, and doctors tell you to line up companion care and personal care at home. What services will she need?


Your mom’s balance and stamina will be impacted. If she can stand unassisted at all, it’s not likely going to be for more than a minute or two. You’ll need a shower seat with arms and a hand-held shower wand. She’s going to need someone to help her wash her hair and body.


Once she’s showered, your mom needs someone to dress her. Elastic waists and button up shirts will make this easier to manage, but you want her to wear what makes her most comfortable. She’ll need you to help her get her arms into sleeves and her legs into pant legs.

You’re going to need to be able to help her stand and support her weight while pulling on pants.If she has shoes, try for slip-on shoes or shoes that fasten easily.

Hair Care

After your mom’s hair is washed, does she usually dry it? Does she like it styled a specific way? You’ll need to do that until she’s able to lift both arms and do her hair on her own. She may never be able to do that, so she’ll need someone to do her hair for her all of the time.

Nail Care

Until your mom is able to hold and manipulate small items, she will need help trimming her nails. Once they’re trimmed, they need to be filed to prevent any sharp edges. If she wants nail polish on them, that needs to happen, too.

Oral Care

Hire personal care to brush and floss your mom’s teeth. She may have dentures or partial plates that need proper cleaning as often as the dentist recommends.


Your mom may need her caregiver to shave her legs or armpits. This is another option for personal care, and it is easy to drop any of these services once your mom is regaining motor skills.

Skin Care

Aging changes the skin. Collagen production diminishes, so skin dries out if it’s not getting the right care. A caregiver can help your mom apply a moisturizer to her skin after a shower and make sure her feet and hands are moisturized each day.


If your mom needs help with ambulation, she’s going to need someone to get her on and off the toilet. She may need someone to help her clean up after and make sure her skin is cleaned and protected from moisture with a recommended cream.

After your mom’s stroke, if any of these personal care at home services sound helpful, arrange them ASAP. It’s a lot of stress to try to handle post-stroke care on your own. You don’t have to when there are caregivers ready and willing to help you.


If you or an aging loved one is considering personal care at home in Concord, CA, please contact the caring staff at Provident Care Home Care today at (209) 578-1210.

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